Art of STEM 2022

2nd Place: Eileen Faulk, Sagittal Thoughts

Eileen Faulk
CWRU Undergraduate Student Systems Biology

Sagittal Thoughts
This drawing was inspired by the process and art of human plastination. Plastination is a method of preserving flesh to prevent rapid decay and to isolate the structure of that anatomical part in time. Invented by the German anatomist Dr. Gunther von Hagens, this process involves removing all the water from a body, replacing it with liquid plastics, and finally hardening the body through heat. In his BODY WORLDS exhibition, Dr. von Hagens displays carefully plastinated human specimens as a reflection of life and death. Having visited this exhibition in the past year, I was awed by the detail and intricacy that makes us up and how those details can be captured in time, mapped out, and classified. This particular drawing is of a plastinated human head, sliced through the sagittal plane which divides the body into left and right. The mediums used were colored pencil, ink, and charcoal.

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