WRU Track 1959/60 Season Record
Season Standings (win/loss/tied): 6/5/0
Game Date | Opponent | Location | Home/Away | WRU | Opponent |
4/23/1960 | Ohio Wesleyan University | Ohio Wesleyan University | A | 37 | 72 |
? | Wittenberg University | ? | ? | 37 | 50 |
4/27/1960 | Oberlin College | Oberlin College | A | 59 | 68 |
4/30/1960 | Bethany College | Case | A | 65 | 26 (37) |
Case | 68 | ||||
5/4/1960 | John Carroll University | John Carroll University | A | 97.5 | 29.5 |
5/7/1960 | Thiel College | Van Horn Field | H | 82 | 16 |
Allegheny College | 61 | ||||
5/10/1960 | Washington & Jefferson College | Washington & Jefferson College | A | 80 | 61 |
John Carroll University | 27 | ||||
5/13-5/14/1960 | Presidents' Athletic Conference Championship Meet | College Field, Allegheny College | A | 70.25 | |
Wayne State University | 59.25 | ||||
Case | 51.75 | ||||
Washington & Jefferson College | 46 | ||||
Allegheny College | 40.25 | ||||
Thiel College | 25.25 | ||||
John Carroll University | 21.25 | ||||
Bethany College | 21 | ||||
5/20/1960 | Case | Case | A | 55 | 72 |
5/28/1960 | Wayne State University | Van Horn Field | H | 61.5 | 65 |
This summary was compiled by staff of the University Archives from sources in the custody of the Archives.