Case Western Reserve University Archives

WRU Football 1954/55 Season Record

Head Coach: Edward L. "Eddie" Finnigan

Season Standings (win/loss/tied): 3/4/1

Game DateOpponentLocationHome/AwayWRUOpponent
9/25/1954University of ToledoToledo Glass
Bowl, Toledo, OH
A13 (12)7
10/1/1954Kent State UniversityKent Memorial Field, Kent, OHA065
10/9/1954Ohio UniversityClarke FieldH037
10/16/1954Washington UniversityFrancis Field,
St. Louis, MO
10/23/1954University of BuffaloClarke FieldH347
10/30/1954Marshall UniversityClarke FieldH2120
11/13/1954Western Michigan UniversityWaldo Stadium, Kalamazoo, MIA038
11/20/1954Butler UniversityClarke FieldH1313


This summary was compiled by staff of the University Archives from sources in the custody of the Archives.

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