This tag was created by Christine Liebson. 

Case Western Reserve University Archives

CWRU's First Women

To do on this page: text revisions-dated statistics?; intro statement; import Wimages-3; add non-dc images-6; ?annotations for images

In 2003 women represented 44% of the Case Western Reserve University student population and 31% of its faculty. One hundred years earlier [In 1903 (?)],  women were 20% of the combined Case School of Applied Science and Western Reserve University student population and 9% of the faculty. Many factors contributed to reducing obstacles to educational opportunities for women. Not least among these factors were the courage and tenacity of the women who broke each barrier.

This exhibit is to remember and honor the achievements of the individual women who were CWRU’s “firsts” – students, faculty, administrators, and philanthropists.

[Exlpore achievements by decade of CWRU's First Women in the context of milestones for and by women in U.S. higher education.]

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