Case Western Reserve University Archives

CWRU Men's Soccer 1977/78 Season Record

Head Coach: Gerald Harbak

Season Standings (win/loss/tied): Information unknown from consulted sources

Game DateOpponentLocationHome/AwayCWRUOpponent
9/10/1977Wooster CollegeWooster CollegeA02
9/17/1977Spring Arbor CollegeSpring Arbor CollegeA29
9/22/1977Malone CollegeMalone CollegeA72
9/24/1977Oberlin College?H32
9/28/1977Hiram CollegeHiram CollegeA30
9/30/1977Carnegie Mellon UniversityCarnegie Mellon UniversityA20
10/8/1977Youngstown State UniversityFinnigan FieldsH80
10/10/1977Kent State University?H??
10/15/1977John Carroll
10/21/1977Allegheny College?H42
10/28/1977Bethany CollegeBethany CollegeA02
11/4/1977Washington &
Jefferson College


This summary was compiled by staff of the University Archives from sources in the custody of the Archives.

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