Case Wrestling 1952/53 Season Record
Season Standings (win/loss/tied): 8/4/0
Game Date | Opponent | Location | Home/Away | Case | Opponent |
12/6/1952 | University of West Virginia | Case Club | H | 11 | 16 |
12/12/1952 | University of Buffalo | University of Buffalo | A | 24 | 6 |
12/13/1952 | Rochester Institute of Technology | Rochester Institute of Technology | A | 8 | 22 |
12/18/1952 | University of Pittsburgh | Case Club | H | 3 | 25 |
1/9/1953 | Ohio University | Case Club | H | 16 | 14 |
1/17/1953 | Kent State University | Kent State University | A | 19 | 10 |
1/30/1953 | Baldwin-Wallace College | Case Club | H | 14 | 12 |
2/7/1953 | WRU | Case Club | H | 29 | 2 |
2/13/1953 | Edinboro University | Edinboro University | A | 28 | 0 |
2/20/1953 | Bowling Green State University | Case Club | H | 27 | 5 |
2/27/1953 | University of Akron | Case Club | H | 23 | 3 |
2/28/1953 | University of Toledo | University of Toledo | A | 5 | 24 |
3/13-3/14/1953 | Interstate Intercollegiate Individual Invitational Championships | Cathedral Latin High School Gym | H | 5th |
This summary was compiled by staff of the University Archives from sources in the custody of the Archives.