Case Wrestling 1931/32 Season Record
Season Standings (win/loss/tied): 4/5/0
Game Date | Opponent | Location | Home/Away | Case | Opponent |
1/14/1932 (1/15/1932) | Fenn College | Case Club | H | 28 | 10 |
1/29/1932 | Rochester Institute of Technology | Rochester, NY | A | 6 | 20 |
1/30/1932 | Alfred University | Alfred, NY | A | 10.5 | 17.5 |
2/6/1932 | Kent State University | Kent State University | A | 14 | 16 |
2/12/1932 | University of Akron | ? | H | 34 | 0 |
2/13/1932 | Syracuse University | ? | H | 0 | 28 |
2/19/1932 | Fenn College | ? | H | 15 | 11 |
2/27/1932 | University of Akron | University of Akron | A | 32 | 0 |
3/12/1932 | WRU | WRU | A | 11 | 17 |
3/18-3/19/1932 | Ohio Intercollegiate Meet | Kent, OH | A | 12 | |
WRU | 32 | ||||
Ohio University | 32 | ||||
Kent State University | 14 | ||||
(Fenn College) | (1) | ||||
(University of Akron) | (0) | ||||
(Ashland University) | (0) |
This summary was compiled by staff of the University Archives from sources in the custody of the Archives.