Motions Image of ABC
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Immersion and Design Work
Build a scalar page in which you discuss how the interactive work immerses its player/reader.
- Use (and cite) the idea in the assigned quotation to prompt your discussion.
- Include and analyze at least 2 images from the image bank.
- Try to use some principles of rhetorical analysis (audience, purpose, context, design) to help you make your case (see Writer/designer handout on Canvas).
* * * * * 1. Group 1: “C ya laterrr” and Murray
“A good story serves the same purpose for adults, giving us something safely outside ourselves (because it is made up by someone else) upon which we can project our feelings. Stories evoke our deepest fears and desires because they inhabit this magical borderland. . . . we have to keep the virtual world "real" by keeping it "not there." We have to keep it balanced squarely on the enchanted threshold without letting it collapse onto either side. (Murray 99 – p 2 of pdf)
2. Group 2: “Motions” and Murray
When we enter a fictional world, we do not merely "suspend" a critical faculty; we also exercise a creative faculty. We do not suspend disbelief so much as we actively create belief Because of our desire to experience immersion, we focus our attention on the enveloping world and we use our intelligence to reinforce rather than to question the reality of the experience. (Murray 110—p.7 of pdf)
3. Group 3: “C ya Laterrrr” and Frasca
Instead of being "inside the skin" of the character, he encouraged having a critical distance that would let them understand their role.
Brazilian dramatist Augusto Boal (1971) took Brecht's ideas even further by creating a set of
techniques, known as the "Theater of the Oppressed"(TO), that tear down the stage's "fourth wall." Boal's main goal is to foster critical thinking and break the actor/spectator dichotomy by creating the "spect-actor," a new category that integrates both by giving them active participation in the play. (88)
4. Group 4: "Motions" and Murray
“This is why the process [of the forum play] is repeated several times, always offering a new perspective on the subject. In Boal's (1992) own words: "It is more important to achieve good debate than a good solution." It is central to stress that Boal uses theater as a tool. not as a goal per se. In other words, the ultimate objective of Forum Theater plays is not to produce beautiful or enjoyable performances, but rather to promote critical discussions among the participants. Unlike traditional theater that offers just one complete, dosed sequence of actions, Forum Theater sessions show multiple perspectives on a particular problem.” (Frasca 89)
Group 4 Immersion with Motions and Frasca
Shula, Kelsey, Monse, Kaitlyn
“This is why the process [of the forum play] is repeated several times, always offering a new perspective on the subject. In Boal's (1992) own words: "It is more important to achieve good debate than a good solution." It is central to stress that Boal uses theater as a tool. not as a goal per se. In other words, the ultimate objective of Forum Theater plays is not to produce beautiful or enjoyable performances, but rather to promote critical discussions among the participants. Unlike traditional theater that offers just one complete, dosed sequence of actions, Forum Theater sessions show multiple perspectives on a particular problem.” (Frasca 89)
Monse: "Frasca talks about the different perspectives offered in games. In "Motions" it displays a personal perspective where they start questioning whether or not they deserved the beatings while image ABC was more informing about what was happening."
Kelsey: "You are able to see both sides of stories through the news point of view of "trafficked or smuggled" whilst also seeing the inside point of view of another person's thoughts regarding beatings."
Shula: " In the beginning of the game we are playing through the perspective of a person that is unknowingly being trafficked. They think they are going somewhere where they were promised they will have a better life."
Kaitlyn: "In the game you are not given one story. As you pass through the slides you are given many incomplete stories that show how diverse those being trafficked are and the many different promises they are told. There is no direct ending or way to monitor and control this problem."