AIQS Class Workbook Fall 2024 (1:00)

Image analysis and Callouts

For this exercise, find your group's image on this Google slide deck.  Then, use the design features from Writer/Designer (copied below) to identify features of your selected image.
  • Make your callouts or pointers on the image in Powerpoint or Slides.
  • Take a screenshot of your completed image + callouts.
  • Upload that media file (image screenshot) to Scalar include an identifying title and description (include a citation in the description) to a new scalar page.
  • Write one sentence of anaylsis of the image that builds on your call outs
* * * *

Writer/ Designer design features:

  • What does viewer notice first and why
  • stressing a word or group of words
  • In visual text, stressing certain elements

Other Ways to consider writing/design choices:

-Ethos: appeal to credibility and trust

-Pathos: appeal to emotions
-Logos appeal to logic and reason
        (often relies on data, statistics, fact, common sense)


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