Mather Center Oral History Interviews
First Director of the Mather Center, Dorothy Miller
First Director of the Mather Center's predecessor, the Women's Coalition, Dani Robbins
Professor Emerita and Author of Mather Center History, Kathryn Karipides
Weatherhead School of Management Professor and Chair and Leader of the To Tenure and Beyond program, Diana Bilimoria
Early Mather Center Champion and former Interim Provost, Lynn Singer
Interviews conducted by Hannah Regan in Spring of 2023
Transcribed by Jody Kunk-Czaplicki
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This page references:
- Diana Bilimoria Interview
- Dorothy Miller
- Dani Robbins Interview
- Kathryn Karipides
- Lynn Singer Transcript
- Dani Robbins
- Kathryn Karipides Transcript
- Diana Bilimoria
- Dorothy Miller Interview
- Diana Bilimoria Interview
- Dani Robbins Interview
- Lynn Singer Interview
- Kathryn Karipides Interview
- Dorothy Miller Transcript