Art of STEM 2022

Margaux Johnstone, Chemistry + Physics = Art

Margaux Johnstone
CWRU Undergraduate Student Medical Anthropology and International Studies

Chemistry + Physics = Art
The world of scientists and the world of artists are generally considered separate worlds. In truth, science and art have always gone hand in hand. Without chemistry, there would be no photography. A complex series of chemical baths reveals the negative images on strips of film; to enlarge them, light-sensitive paper endures another spa day in strange-smelling chemical liquids. You may notice a small imperfection down and right from the column capital: a drop of the wrong chemical landed on the page before it was fully printed, an error on the chemist-artist’s part. Without physics, there would be no stunning architecture. The fan vaulted arches of centuries-old architectural marvels are engineered with more than just beauty in mind. The arches redistribute weight from the roof onto the columns, whose size has been calculated to hold up the immense structure (in fact, many fantastic arches and domes collapsed as a result of poor engineering). Art is the creative combination of multiple aspects of science.

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