Art of STEM 2022

Ellyn Evans, Bee Present

Ellyn Evans
CWRU Graduate Student Biology

Bee Present
You can hear the low hum of the bee as it embraces the circle of life, pollinating this welcoming burst of color. The intersection of a blooming flower and the bee highlight an important fact in life: all living organisms need other living organisms to survive. Given our rapidly changing climate and the need to prioritize survival, the beauty of such a task can be as simple as reciprocity. Thus, if we are kind to our environment then our environment will be kind to us in return. The moment captured here vibrantly hones in on the immensity around us at any moment. As for the bee, I was simply an observer, but all of my actions affect bees like this one every day. Breaking down our interactions one by one, makes life more manageable. But, we need to zoom out and see the broader impacts of our actions, to affect change. So, I hope that after admiring this graceful image you too will have a constant low humming sound that follows you, reminding you to take a step back and put intent behind your actions to save our environment.

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